
22:50 Posted In , Edit This 2 Comments »
Stop and observe. Maybe you fail to see a purpose now but there certainly is one.

Remember you are surrounded by people who love you and whom you love. Learn from these days and find the strenght that lies in you.

Forgive and forget. Dream and hope. Come back to life and live like there's no tomorrow. Live for every moment that you've lost and for you and for them.

Watch and learn. Accept and stop judging. There is a purpose in every action. There is a reaction to every thought.

Be free to be yourself and don't forget to smile twice as more as you do. And be happy. Life is worth living.


23:06 Posted In , , Edit This 3 Comments »
Daca te-ai putea intalni cu Dumnezeu si ai putea sa-I pui o singura intrebare, care ar fi? Intotdeauna am crezut ca raspunsul la intrebarea de mai sus e simplu, il intreb care e scopul vietii. Dar apoi m-am gandit ca intrebarea asta e un mare cliseu. Daca o sa stiu care-i scopul vietii ce-o sa pot sa fac? Nimeni n-o sa asculte, si pe mine nu cred ca m-ar schimba cu mult. Plus ca ar lipsi acel mister, ar raspunde la toate inrebarile existente, iar noi am fi niste oameni tare, tare tristi si monotoni. Daca descopar scopul vietii pana mor, ok, sunt fericita, daca nu, tot sunt fericita, stiu ca l-am cautat eu, nu mi l-a spus cineva.
Apoi m-am gandit ca as putea sa-l intreb de ce a creat lumea, dar adevarul e ca si eu m-as fi plictisit fara o asemenea planeta plina de tot ce-ai putea dori vreodata. Tot felul de oameni si tot felul de ciudatenii, si de idei si de lucruri total lipsite de sens sau folositoare. Deci nici asta nu puteam sa intreb.
M-am gandit ca as vrea sa stiu de ce a lasat sentimentele negative in lume, daca duc la atatea nenorociri. Dar mi-am dat seama ca n-a lasat sentimentele negative, a lasat liberal arbitru, iar unii aleg sa fie egoisti.
Apoi mi-am dat seama ca toate intrebarile care-mi vin in cap sunt intrebari universale, pe care toata lumea si le pune, si care raman in memoria colectiva a societatilor si se transmit tuturor. Sunt intrebari total impersoanle. Daca te-ai intalni cu Dumnezeu de ce ai vrea sa fi impersonal cand tu esti un individ independent cu o gandire proprie. Asa ca eu l-as intreba cum a facut norii…. Tu ce l-ai intreba?

Anywhere on this road

11:03 Posted In , , Edit This 7 Comments »
An nou, inceput de blog, insa un inceput oarecum trist. Cautam de mult un motiv sa incep si l-am primit, din pacate, fix la inceputul anului.

Nu o sa incep cu ale mele cuvinte, ci cu ale unei voci superbe, Lhasa de Sela.

I live in this country now
I'm called by this name
I speak this language
It's not quite the same
For no other reason

Than this is my home
And the places I used to be far from are gone

You've travelled this long
You just have to go on

Don't even look back to see
How far you've come
Though your body is bending
Under the load
There is nowhere to stop
Anywhere on this road